Friday, July 8, 2011

Using NETS

In my 1st grade classroom, I implement:
NETS 1. Creativity and Innovation by allowing students to use the SMARTBoard tools to share their work, my students use Kidspiration to design projects and graph club to share results.   
NETS 2. Communication and Collaboration by having students share their thoughts and ideas on our class blog and we also video conference with classes from other schools.
NETS 3. Research and Information Fluency by choosing appropriate websites for my students to practice skills on the laptops and on the SMARTBoard.

I am not so sure that all teachers are aware of these standards. I think if more teachers were aware they would make more of an effort to incorporate technology into their lessons.  I know that I will work on meeting the other three standards this year which are 4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making, 5. Digital Citizenship and 6. Technology Operations and Concepts.

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