Thursday, July 7, 2011

Digital Native...

Portrait of a Digital Native

By Tom McHale, September 15, 2005

In reading this article, I felt a lot like Fear, having many different windows open while working on this course and talking on the phone with fellow group members and typing in a chat room while checking email.  I have to disagree when they said that teenagers of today have learned to multitask.  I can multitask, but I don't always do a good job on all my tasks.  I think students of today have learned to multitask but I think that they all have shorter attention spans due to the push to multitask.  I think sometimes it almost makes them disrespectful to adults and peers when they are socializing because they are not used to having normal conversations.  There conversations usually are done by texting, twitter, chat rooms, email, or skype.  I think that all the technology is great and very resourceful, but are we getting to far away from communicating to one another in person or by talking on the phone?

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