Friday, July 8, 2011

Highlights of Week 2...literacy

There are differences in computer literacy, information literacy & integration literacy.
Computer Literacy is understanding computers and their uses.
Information Literacy is knowing how to find information from multiple resources, select appropriate material and organize it.
Integration Literacy is using computers and other technologies with teaching and learning strategies to enhance learning.
A 21st century learner has computer literacy, information literacy and integration literacy.  They use their computers and other technology tools to find information from various websites and organize it into their PLE, blogs and wiki pages.  I think students of the future will not longer have to write up reports or papers.  I think they will present their findings about a subject mater using web 2.0 tools. I think schools of the future will no longer require students to write with a pencil and paper.  I think the school supplies list will only consist of technology tools if the school does not provide them.  All assignments will be done through the internet and they will blog about their day hand in all assignments that way.

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