Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Instructional System Design Models

ISD is a process that enhances learning or learning experiences. This process can be teacher directed, done by a student, or by a group.A design model most commonly used as a road map is ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate.) This model is interative, moving back and forth between levels.  Evaluation and feedback is also important through every step.


Teachers pedagogical inquiry can help design how the class learns.  Students and teachers can use computers and other devices to help inquire about topics.  Inquiry based classrooms are student centered and have problem based learning.  Research suggests that students learn better when they find the answers or solve the problems themselves rather than the old fashion lecture model.  Teachers can use the ADDIE method in their classrooms to help guided their students in the problem solving method. Teachers can use their students questions to drive class discussions and projects.

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