Friday, July 8, 2011

Net Generation Students

Net generation students have a lot more resources at their fingertips than students in the past decades have had.  Look at the PLE video, the girl had all her social networks, class assignments and resources all on one page.I think there are a lot of positive and negative thoughts on this.
+I think students have the opportunity to research things quicker and keep up with technology.
+I think technology allows students to multitask and respond quicker in school and socially to friends. 
+The PLE allows students to be creative and chose areas that they want to learn more about.
-What happens when technology fails? There have been times that my Smartboard or computer is not working.  I have to have back up plans for this.
-Are students writing with pencil/pen and paper anymore? Do students know how to write letters?  Handwriting is no longer important.
-Do students know how to spell or write sentences? Students do not use proper English when texting or twittering and use spell check on the computer.

1 comment:

  1. I agree Janeen, are these studens going to be able to survive without technology? What would happen if computers stopped working, or if we had a long power outage. I like things in moderation, and i think that currently there is an over-emphasis on technology.
