Friday, July 8, 2011

1.0 to 2.0....the future of our classrooms

As classrooms switch from 1.0  to 2.0 to keep up with technology I think it is a good thing, but I think that teachers will need proper training to keep up as well.  Schools also need to provide the appropriate tools to create a 2.0 classroom. I know that schools always are on a strict budget and they not always have the money to buy new technology.  I know that in our school we have had a laptop cart for 7 years and the batteries do not hold on them and we have not had the money to replace them so many students have to switch laptops during classes. I think the change is good as long as the appropriate resources are in place to carry it through.


  1. One problem that many of our schools has, is a disproportional availablity of money in each school district. How can the gap between schools using brand new computres and schools using hardware from the Cold War be bridged? I think that if teh government made uniform standards for technology for each school district, many schools would benefit.

  2. Budget Budget Budget
    Isn't that always the problem. Even if a teacher is capable and willing to incorporate 2.0 instruction in her classroom, she still needs the technical resources. Without it, her students are stuck in a 1.0 classroom.
