Friday, July 22, 2011

Internet Safety, Digital Safety and Copyrights....

After reading the 5 parts of the copyright series I questioned myself and all the work I have done an do on the computer sharing and presenting information.  Did I break a copyright law? Did I give credit to right people? Did I give credit my sources correctly?  After reading the Digital Literacy by Google, I thought about all the rules and tips that would of been useful when I first started joining all these website accounts and using Web  I found this website very useful and easy to use.  I plan on using it when I share with my colleagues in September all that learned about Web 2.0 because this information is easy to read and it explains all the tools with examples. I also liked the wiki with internet safety tips. I plan on introducing my students to the tools that are appropriate for first grade along with the safety rules.  I think that it is important to use the correct language with your students so they can be safe on the internet at home and in school. I think that even those of us that have used the internet for many years, should review these rules, policies, and tips because they are updates as often as technology is, and we know that is A LOT!

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps we all should evaluate how we cite, or dont cite information received on the internet. After reading this article I realized that there have definetely been a few circumstances where I did not properly give credit to original authors. It's a good thing that I carry a get out of jail for free card!
