Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Digital Story Telling in the 21st Century

I found this great quote in a power point on SlideShare called, Capturing Stories, Capturing Lives: The Power of Digital Story Telling, by David Jakes:
 I think this quote sums up this course, Teaching With Technology and Digital Story Telling.  Throughout this course we have discussed becoming 21st century teachers to prepare ourselves for our 21st century students.  Digital story telling is reading and writing instruction for future generations. There is a wide variety of resources for different grades and subject areas for teachers to use in their classroom.  Digital story telling uses images, text, recorded audio narration, video clips and or sound to create stories. Teachers can use digital story telling to motivate students to write and read since it uses multimedia that they are familiar with. With digital story telling, students are able to express themselves, share their "voice", share their stories globally, and become effective communicators with technology. 21st century classrooms should give students the opportunity to use digital story telling to create stories with images, photographs, sound clips, recorded narrations, and videos.  Like the quote says, students that do not have this knowledge are considered illiterate since technology is a part of our everyday lives.  If you do not know how to use it to it's full benefit, then you will not succeed in the future.  Like Dr. Smirnova said, "Teachers need to think outside the four walls of the classroom". As teachers, we have to enrich our students learning and prepare them for the future.  Digital story telling is the new way to share stories, save memories, and present information.
Daniel Meadows defines digital stories as “short, personal multimedia tales told from the heart.” The beauty of this form of digital expression, he maintains, is that these stories can be created by people everywhere, on any subject, and shared electronically all over the world. Meadows goes on to describe digital stories as “multimedia sonnets from the people” in which “photographs discover the talkies, and the stories told assemble in the ether as pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, a gaggle of invisible histories which, when viewed together, tell the bigger story of our time, the story that defines who we are."
-- from the University of Houston digital storytelling site 

Please take a look at my WOW presentation on Digital Story Telling in the 21st Century for more information.

WOW Presentation

Monday, July 25, 2011

Reflecting on Teaching With Technology

This course has not only helped me become comfortable with using Web 2.0 tools, but it has also taught me how to reflect on my own learning and challenge myself to learn how to use new tools in my  classroom. This up coming school year, I plan on using a blog to communicate with parents and showcase students' work. I also plan on putting my monthly newsletter on my website and wiki. I also would like to try to use Smilebox to send out announcements, invitations and newsletters for my class. I also plan on using Engrade for my grade book and I will send out the link to my co-workers.  When I first started this course, I already had a website, wiki and blog for my class but I only used the basics applications and I was not very comfortable updating or adding to them.  I now feel really comfortable with using these Web 2.0 tools and I look forward to remodeling my current pages and showing them to my student's parents at our parents as partners night in September. This course has also taught me about social bookmarking, social networking, Google docs, iGoogle, twitter, youtube, podcasting, digital footprints, just to name a few.  I feel like I am walking away from this course with a wealth of knowledge about technology and how to apply it in my classroom.  This course has me looking forward to a new school year and new start.  I feel refreshed and ready to begin a new year....but not until we have one more month of summer vacation:) Thank you Dr. Smirnova for sharing some of your wisdom with me!


Friday, July 22, 2011

Electronic Portfolios and Student Self-Evaluations

I feel like these two topics can go hand in hand.  As a first grade teacher, I often conference with my students during writer's workshop about thier writing.  During this process I ask them to reflect on their writing and tell me something they did great and something they could improve on. At a first grade level some students can express this to me and some have trouble reflecting on their work.  I think student self reflection will look different in each grade level, although I think it will also look different in each classroom when you use differentiated instruction.  The skill of reflecting is not easy, it is not easy for adults and it is difficult for some students to understand and take seriously.  I think having students create electronic portfolios to show off their work, will help them reflect on the process of picking pieces of writing to put in their e-portfolios. Making decisions and justifying them will be a great lesson to teach students how to reflect.  I plan on attempting to make one electronic portfolio in my first grade classroom this year and asking each student to pick on piece of writing to put in it per quarter.  I will work on a class portfolio because I will have to help each student and this will be a great start for me.  I will then teach student how to reflect on their choices and share their reflections with the class.

Internet Safety, Digital Safety and Copyrights....

After reading the 5 parts of the copyright series I questioned myself and all the work I have done an do on the computer sharing and presenting information.  Did I break a copyright law? Did I give credit to right people? Did I give credit my sources correctly?  After reading the Digital Literacy by Google, I thought about all the rules and tips that would of been useful when I first started joining all these website accounts and using Web  I found this website very useful and easy to use.  I plan on using it when I share with my colleagues in September all that learned about Web 2.0 because this information is easy to read and it explains all the tools with examples. I also liked the wiki with internet safety tips. I plan on introducing my students to the tools that are appropriate for first grade along with the safety rules.  I think that it is important to use the correct language with your students so they can be safe on the internet at home and in school. I think that even those of us that have used the internet for many years, should review these rules, policies, and tips because they are updates as often as technology is, and we know that is A LOT!

Team Newburgh's Reflection on Parent's Newsletter

Here is a link to our Parent's Newsletter. 
This newsletter was created by Liam, Janeen & Gina.

1) Why is communication important between teachers and parents?
Communication is important between parents and teachers for various reasons. First and foremost, a teacher spends significant amount of time with a parent’s child over the course of a school year.In some cases, if you want to know what’s up with the child, the teacher is an excellent source because they see them consistently. Opening up the lines of communication for the teacher and parent establishes a relationship where the main goal is the child’s progress and academic growth. It is important for both the parent and teacher to feel they can communicate with one another when it comes to concerns regarding the student.  If there has been a recent stressful event in the child’s life, the teacher should be informed so that he/she can take into consideration that information when observing the child’s academic performance and behavior. If a student is experiencing any problems they can be addressed more efficiently and effectively when the lines of communication are open. Additionally, the expectations for both the parent and teacher could be laid out so that both parties can work together to help support the child in a positive way.

2) In what way will you communicate with your students’ parents?
We will communicate with our students’ parents through our newsletter, class website, blog and wiki.  Students will be able to show off their work on the class wiki and blog and then it will illicit conversations at home when parents ask, “What did you do in school today?” Today many parents have the internet on their phones, which makes it easy to check on the class websites.  Many parents work long hours and this is a way for them to stay informed of what their child is doing in school.  We also agree that all these Web 2.0 pages are great, but it is also important to continue to meet in person when needed and to make phone calls when certain situations arise.

3) What new communications software applications would be fun to try to communicate with parents?
We think that it would be fun to use a program like Smilbox to make weekly or monthly newsletters for our class.  It would also be convenient use Skype if a parent cannot make a parent teacher conference. A class blog page will be a lot of fun too because parents and family members can comment on students’ work and that gives students a purpose and audience for their work.

4) What software did you use, why did you choose to use it?
We chose Smilebox first because it was free. It also had a nice layout and the colors were inviting. It was easy to use and very helpful. This is a site that we can each use individually, outside of this class, both professionally and personally, for a number of different reasons.
We can make newsletters, invitations, greetings, photo albums, and scrapbook all on one site. Plus, you can share in so many different ways such as through facebook, blogs, and e-mail, just to name a few.

5) How was it to collaborate on this project?
This project was a bit more difficult than the other projects because we all had hectic schedules this week and we learned that these programs do not save on the site, rather they save on a computer.  Therefore we all had to meet together to work on this and use the same computer.  The actual process of creating the newsletter was fun and easy. We thought it would be fun to make it a school newsletter and we could each add an article from our classroom. We all enjoyed this project and will all try to use this program in our classroom and in our lives.

6) What would you do differently if you did a Class Newsletter again?
We said that we would try to find another program that would allow us to work on the newsletter, save it to the site, and then work on it again at another location.  Teachers are busy and it would be a lot more convenient if it would save and we could finish it at another time.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Beyond the Bubble

After reading the article Beyond the Bubble Test: How will we measure Learning in the Future?, I totally agree with their point that standardized tests can be a waste of time and that they do not measure real skills.  As a first grade teacher I do not have to practice and administer these state tests in my classroom, but I do here my coworkers complain about them in the faculty room.  They waste valuable teaching time that could be spent learning new things and students could be using this time to create projects using Web 2.0 tools.  I recently was watching a TV show called Friday Night Lights, and in the show a character was on a job interview for an assistant dean of a college. In her interview she told them that she did not want to focus on the test score because it did not show you who the students were and she wanted to meet with all the students face to face and get to know them that way instead of by their test scores. I agree that a new testing system done with technology would better meet the needs of our students of the 21st century.  These tests will be performance based and will assess real world situations.  I think this is a great change for education, a change that needs to be done.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My Software Critique

I came across this easy online grading website called  This website was very teacher friendly.  Adding students the class roster was easy and there are a lot of Apps to use including attendance, assignments, tests/quizzes, seating charts, a place for comments and discussions, calendar and a reading list. also allows you to put the total of points an assignment is worth and then you can record what the students got correct. then listed the percentage and it would average all grades so far.  This app would be very helpful to teachers when they are asked how a student is doing and it will make doing report cards very easy. This website also allows teachers to work on grades at school and at home with out having to take anything home. If I could change something about this website, I might want to be able to give my students a √, √+ or a √-, for some assignments rather than a number grade since I teach first grade.  I think this tool would be useful to some parents for them to see how their child is doing is school and this way there are no surprises at a parent teacher conference.  However, I was not able to figure out how a parent would see their child's grades.  I also think that this tool may put a lot of pressure on students to get good grades because they know that their parents can check out all their grades for every assignment and assessment.
Here is a sample of what my class grade book looks like from


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My Wordle

Here is my first Wordle:) This was fun and easy!


5E Lesson Plan vs. MSMC Lesson Plan

The 5E lesson plan supports the philosophy that learners need to come to their own understanding of ideas which is the constructivism approach. It's up to the teacher to set the stage for the students to inquire about topics and build knowledge about topics.  Teachers can use the 5E lesson plan to facilitate this. They are: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate.

The MSMC lesson plan format the teachers decides how the lesson will go.  The teacher sets the stage of the lesson with the anticipatory set and then the teacher chooses a method to deliver the instruction and then allows students to participate in guided practice. The teacher may use differentiated instruction and independent practice.

If I were a principal I would want my teachers to use a variety of instructional techniques and vary their lessons.  Some topics or subjects will benefit from the constructivism approach for example, science or social studies topics.  Whereas, some writing and reading lessons may fit a more direct instruction lesson before guided practice.  I also feel that different grade levels along with topics would help decide which model to use.

Technology and the 4 models of instruction...

Technology can align to fit the 4 different models of instruction. Here are the different models of instruction and technology that best meets the model.

*Software designed drills (ex: math facts)
*Computer games
*Tutorial software
*Language Tutoring videos

*Using the internet to research topics
Using Web 2.0 to present information

Social Interactive:
*chat rooms
*video conferencing

*Personal Learning Environment

Instructional System Design Models

ISD is a process that enhances learning or learning experiences. This process can be teacher directed, done by a student, or by a group.A design model most commonly used as a road map is ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate.) This model is interative, moving back and forth between levels.  Evaluation and feedback is also important through every step.


Teachers pedagogical inquiry can help design how the class learns.  Students and teachers can use computers and other devices to help inquire about topics.  Inquiry based classrooms are student centered and have problem based learning.  Research suggests that students learn better when they find the answers or solve the problems themselves rather than the old fashion lecture model.  Teachers can use the ADDIE method in their classrooms to help guided their students in the problem solving method. Teachers can use their students questions to drive class discussions and projects.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Using iGoogle and the Google Chrome Screen Capture

Setting up my iGoogle page was easy and fun to pick gadgets.  However, it took numerous hours and help from numerous people to figure out how to download the Google Chrome Screen Capture.  Once we figured out that Google Chrome did not include a image capture feature, we realized we had to Google a web capture feature for Google Chrome.  I felt that this process was extremely time consuming and frustrating.  Once we had the feature working, it was easy to capture the whole webpage and upload as a file onto the assignment page. What seemed like an easy assignment, TOOK MUCH LONGER THAN ANTICIPATED.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Net Generation Students

Net generation students have a lot more resources at their fingertips than students in the past decades have had.  Look at the PLE video, the girl had all her social networks, class assignments and resources all on one page.I think there are a lot of positive and negative thoughts on this.
+I think students have the opportunity to research things quicker and keep up with technology.
+I think technology allows students to multitask and respond quicker in school and socially to friends. 
+The PLE allows students to be creative and chose areas that they want to learn more about.
-What happens when technology fails? There have been times that my Smartboard or computer is not working.  I have to have back up plans for this.
-Are students writing with pencil/pen and paper anymore? Do students know how to write letters?  Handwriting is no longer important.
-Do students know how to spell or write sentences? Students do not use proper English when texting or twittering and use spell check on the computer.

Using NETS

In my 1st grade classroom, I implement:
NETS 1. Creativity and Innovation by allowing students to use the SMARTBoard tools to share their work, my students use Kidspiration to design projects and graph club to share results.   
NETS 2. Communication and Collaboration by having students share their thoughts and ideas on our class blog and we also video conference with classes from other schools.
NETS 3. Research and Information Fluency by choosing appropriate websites for my students to practice skills on the laptops and on the SMARTBoard.

I am not so sure that all teachers are aware of these standards. I think if more teachers were aware they would make more of an effort to incorporate technology into their lessons.  I know that I will work on meeting the other three standards this year which are 4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making, 5. Digital Citizenship and 6. Technology Operations and Concepts.

1.0 to 2.0....the future of our classrooms

As classrooms switch from 1.0  to 2.0 to keep up with technology I think it is a good thing, but I think that teachers will need proper training to keep up as well.  Schools also need to provide the appropriate tools to create a 2.0 classroom. I know that schools always are on a strict budget and they not always have the money to buy new technology.  I know that in our school we have had a laptop cart for 7 years and the batteries do not hold on them and we have not had the money to replace them so many students have to switch laptops during classes. I think the change is good as long as the appropriate resources are in place to carry it through.


As far as twitter goes, I did create my account and I linked it to follow Dr. S.  I do not feel that it is appropriate to use twitter in my classroom or any other elementary classroom. I do not think that students should be responding quickly through twitter instead of raising their hands and socializing with the class.  I also know that it does take my students awhile to type out a sentence and I would not want to waste time waiting for them to type.  Students in first grade should be practicing writing with a pencil and using the lines to write neatly.  They should also practice spelling words correctly. I am also not sold on the idea of twitter yet.  I do not want to know what friends of mine are doing every minute of the day.  It's bad enough that many put what they do everyday on facebook.  I think that if you want to know what a friend or family member is doing, you should just ask them through an email, text, phone call, skyping, or better yet in person.

Highlights of Week 2...literacy

There are differences in computer literacy, information literacy & integration literacy.
Computer Literacy is understanding computers and their uses.
Information Literacy is knowing how to find information from multiple resources, select appropriate material and organize it.
Integration Literacy is using computers and other technologies with teaching and learning strategies to enhance learning.
A 21st century learner has computer literacy, information literacy and integration literacy.  They use their computers and other technology tools to find information from various websites and organize it into their PLE, blogs and wiki pages.  I think students of the future will not longer have to write up reports or papers.  I think they will present their findings about a subject mater using web 2.0 tools. I think schools of the future will no longer require students to write with a pencil and paper.  I think the school supplies list will only consist of technology tools if the school does not provide them.  All assignments will be done through the internet and they will blog about their day hand in all assignments that way.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Personal Learning Environment

I like the way this classroom gave the students options as to what they wanted to learn more about.  I think it really teaches students responsibility.  I think this approach to teaching is great for when students are absent and they can work from home. However, what happens to the students that need more guidance and assistance in completing tasks?

My Digital Footprint


So much fun and so easy to make:)

Using 2.0 in a First Grade Classroom

I am a 1st grade teacher, so this article really interested me.  I have a blog and wiki page for my classroom but I only had the students respond to a topic once a month.  After watching Kathy's presentation I am totally motivated to try using the blog more often.

Her link was very resourceful and I liked the way she included student's pictures and writing.  I agree with her that it is a great tool for parents to see what their children are publishing whether they live close or ar to the school.  I also think that my students will be motivated to see how many people view their work and read the comments that others have posted.  I will definitely use her resources to create a more active blog this upcoming school year with my class.

Digital Native...

Portrait of a Digital Native

By Tom McHale, September 15, 2005

In reading this article, I felt a lot like Fear, having many different windows open while working on this course and talking on the phone with fellow group members and typing in a chat room while checking email.  I have to disagree when they said that teenagers of today have learned to multitask.  I can multitask, but I don't always do a good job on all my tasks.  I think students of today have learned to multitask but I think that they all have shorter attention spans due to the push to multitask.  I think sometimes it almost makes them disrespectful to adults and peers when they are socializing because they are not used to having normal conversations.  There conversations usually are done by texting, twitter, chat rooms, email, or skype.  I think that all the technology is great and very resourceful, but are we getting to far away from communicating to one another in person or by talking on the phone?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Educational Philosophies Self-Assessment

After completing the educational philosophies self-assessment and scoring it, I found that my educational philosophy and psychological orientation is Reconstructionism/Critical Theory.  I was a bit surprised by the results because I do feel that the schools should take an important role in reconstructing society, but I feel that the home is where they should learn right from wrong and parents need to instill values and morals.  However, I do agree that it is important to know strategies to solve problems such as question-asking, critical thinking skills and inquiry. 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Education Today and Tomorrow


 I found this video to put a lot of things into perspective.  The world around us is always changing and technology is always changing.  We need to prepare our students for the future and be aware of all the different uses of technology that our students use.  We need to have the resources available for them in the classrooms to keep up with the changing technology. The video showed some examples of how much technology has changed with entertainment, music, and games.  Technology updates every month.  Even in just buying a new phone or laptop you feel like you need a new one in a few months.  Think about how students feel in classroom with out laptops or Smartboards. We as educators need to help advocate our students education.  If only technology didn't cost so much...

21st Century Teacher

I found the article to be eye opening as a teacher.  As a teacher of young students, I find it amazing every year when I have students in my class that help out other students with the laptops and help them use the Smartboard.  I agree that we as teachers need to be aware of the world around us and we need to be 21st century teachers.  This is why I agree that teachers should continue to do professional growth each year to continue to keep updated on teaching strategies and be prepared to teach students of today.

This is my new blog page!